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Russia Says Attempts to ‘Monopolize’ Mediation Lead to Aggravation of Conflicts

Russia said on Monday history has proven that attempts to “monopolize” mediation efforts in conflicts have led to their aggravation rather than finding a solution.

“Against the backdrop of an unprecedented escalation of violence in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone, calls for collective action to de-escalate the situation in the Middle East, including the holding of an international conference, are increasingly heard,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement said that Moscow supports such an attitude and has defended the need for a “multilateral approach to the issue of the Middle East.”

“As history proves, attempts to ‘monopolize’ mediation functions did not lead to the resolution of conflicts, but to their aggravation, which we are witnessing,” the statement further said.

It also said that ending the fighting in Gaza, ensuring the protection of civilians, delivering the necessary humanitarian aid to those in need, and releasing all hostages are the current priority tasks.

“Otherwise, we will face the risks of radicalization and increased terrorist activity, and the danger of expanding the geography of the conflict,” it added.

The ministry said efforts to create conducive conditions for the resumption of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process must begin, underlining the importance of keeping the parties away from unilateral actions.

“It is precisely the creation of a constructive atmosphere for peaceful dialogue that is aimed for in the Russian proposal to hold ministerial consultations to coordinate the approaches of the states of the region on the issue of the Middle East settlement,” the statement said.

Moscow emphasized the central role of the Middle East states in solving the problems of the region.

“Outside forces must not be allowed to exploit the unfolding Palestinian-Israeli confrontation to break these positive trends and plunge the region into chaos. The engagement and unity of the states there, coupled with the political will of the Palestinians and Israelis to negotiate a set of final status issues, is a key prerequisite for restarting a comprehensive peace process in the Middle East,” it added.

Source : aa
